Côa, the river with a thousand engravings
- Production
- 2006, France
- French
- 00:52:00
- Genre
- documentary
- archeology
- Jean-Luc Bouvret
- Maud Compocasso
- Le Miroir, MNHN, 2: radio e televisao de portugal,; Gédéon Programmes, Lx Filmes, CNRS Images, AVRO
- Le Miroir
The discovery of thousands of engravings dating back to 25,000 B.C, which have laid exposed to the open air along the banks of the Portuguese River Coa, could revolutionise the way we imagine the lives and the purpose of art of our prehistoric ancestors. Rock art in caves may have been an exception. Thanks to a lowering of the river, a researchers team explores, for the first time, one of the most precious sites of European cultural heritage.

Pariscience 2007
: Sunday 14th October 2007 from 10h30 to 12h30