
2005, France
Thierry Berrod
Thierry Berrod
Mona Lisa Production
Mona Lisa Production

The power of bacteria seems unlimited!

Scientists discovered in Antarctica colonies of bacteria prospering in a temperature of -68°C, conditions comparable to those on Mars. These bacteria were sent to the space to try to understand the beginning of the life.
Others resist doses of gamma rays 3000 times superior to those which would kill a man. Whereof destroy their DNA, but bacteria possess a real kit of repair, allowing to reconstitute their broken DNA fragments.

Cannot these extraordinary powers be domesticated? Bacteria were already used in the pharmaceutical sector, the pesticides, the plastics, the solvents or the washing powders. We use them even to restore paintings. Scientists try to exploit the other possibilities. Some should treat our trashes, to filter our silencers, to clean up our oil slicks, to look after the cancer…