Ovocytes business


2009, France
Original language
Running time
society, medicine
Directed by
Félicie Derville
Written by
Camille Cadet, Meryam El Yousfi
Produced by
Galaxie presse
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Welcome to Los Angeles, the capital of baby business.
There, no need to make love to have a baby, you just need a test tube and a big check... At the core of this industry: the sale and the purchase of ovules. Agencies propose to choose the biological mother of one's child in a catalogue. Dc Sahakian uses ovules sold by young women to allow post-menopausal women women to have children.
In California, anything is possible! Law is very flexible and customer is king. So, it's possible to be pregnant when retired and one can also select the embryo to be sure to have a tailor made child. Precursor of in vitro fertilization, Dc Steinberg proposes to his customers to choose their child's gender. His last innovation: eternal fertility. He offers women to freeze their ovules in order to use them later...