Health Under Pressure

2010, France
Antoine Moreau
David Zavaglia, Isabelle Quintard

For the first time, this documentary describes the whole French system of health, without limiting itself to emergency units or to hospital.

At the end of an 18 month-long inquiry, this film deciphers the tentacular mechanism of our system. Just like an octopus with numerous tentacles, the ''access doors'' to care are numerous and often unreadable for us all, the patients.

We discover how France sank into this vicious cycle, kind of ''endless screw'', in spite of the united and laudable intentions of postwar period and creation of French national health and pensions organization. If nothing is made, we shall attend the destruction of our system. More than a reform, it is a revolution which would be needed. Will the actors of the system be able to allow it? Will the Frenchmen be ready to abandon a part of their freedom of consultation, in city as to the hospital? So many questions raised in this documentary.