Tipping Point
- Production
- 2010, France
- French
- 00:54:00
- Genre
- documentary
- sea biology, environment
- Laurence Jourdan
- Nicolas Koutsikas, Emeraude Zervoudis, Laurence Jourdan
- Georama TV / Diff : Ushuaïa TV
- Géorama TV
Each year the oceans, produce half of our oxygen. They represent nearly one half of the productivity of the planet. And they are threatened.
We know that, by producing ever increasing amounts of CO2, man is turning the climate upside down. Since very recently, we also know that the excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere modifies the chemistry of the oceans. Oceans are getting more acid. Their acidification leads us on an uncertain journey about which the scientific community is worried.
Pariscience 2011
: Friday 07th October 2011 from 12h00 to 13h30