- Production
- 2011, France
- French
- 00:54:00
- Genre
- documentary
- biodiversity
- Honorine Perino
- Honorine Perino
- Addocs
One, two, three, four, Bernard's old hands are counting wheat seeds. His whife Renée is writing: wheet's name, heignt, appearance... Their son Alain is testing, observing ang transforming it in floor. And this with the 150 wheat varietes planted in the Ronot's farm: wild wheats wich became cultivated without any manipulation.
This farm as changed 30 years ago to biological agriculture, and seeds are the heart of this movement: to reconnect with roots and life, to give to future generations access to the past. Not so esay in a little village far away from consummers...

Pariscience 2011
: Sunday 09th October 2011 from 10h00 to 11h30