The Iceberg Project
- Production
- 2010, France
- French
- 00:52:00
- Genre
- documentary
- environment, technology, discovery
- Jean-Michel Corillion
- Jean-Michel Corillion, Nicolas Delloye
- Kwanza - Dassault Systèmes / Diff : France 3
Humans depend on water to stay alive. From desalination of seawater to rationing, every effort is being made to offset a worldwide shortage. Yet, one huge resource has been left behind: icebergs, 12,000-year-old pure freshwater.
Icebergs break free from the poles' glaciers, then drift and disappear. Every year the equivalent of mankind's freshwater consumption melts away in the warm salt water of the ocean! So why not use a tiny part of what nature offers us: an iceberg, millions of tons of freshwater—but a mere drop on a world scale.
For 40 years, engineer Georges Mougin has advocated ferociously for a
revolutionary plan: to tow an iceberg to arid regions that need water. Today,
supported by internationally renowned specialists and with the help of cutting-edge 3D scientific simulation software, Georges wants to make real progress. Together they will work on a mind-blowing project: take an iceberg from the coast of Canada and tow it across the Atlantic before it melts.
Could the dream become reality?

Pariscience 2011 - Middle School Jury's Prize
: Thursday 06th October 2011 from 10h15 to 11h45