Seine estuary, at the bedside... (The)


2005, France
Original language
Running time
Directed by
Christophe Muel
Written by
Christophe Muel, Philippe Muller
Produced by
bleu Krystal media, avec la participation de France 5
Member page
bleu Krystal media

Because it gathers the conditions and environments of great biological wealth, the estuary of the Seine is a must for wildlife. However, the river was largely built in defiance of this delicate balance, and emissions from industrial or agricultural activities threaten this already highly degraded estuary. At the time of the inauguration of a major industrial project, Port 2000 is imminent, it is time to consider the future we reserve the fragile coastline. Faced with proposals made to preserve the essential biological role of this estuary is the control of industrial development and its pollution that is asked.

The estuary of the Seine undergoes a local pollution due to the installation of a large number of polluting industries on its banks downstream of Rouen and is now one of the most degraded in Europe. His mouth, under the management of port authorities, sees three media coexist with interdependence is vital for biodiversity. Wet meadows, reedbeds and mudflats are in effect the temporary or permanent refuge for wildlife of considerable wealth, and the crossing point of 60% of fish in the North Sea. To preserve this vital ecosystem, a series of measures is under study: construction of an island bird altar, recreating a mudflat ... especially as existing development adds to enter into Port 2000 office in late 2005.

In this context, what future for the estuary? Given the obvious impossibility of turning back, better understand the proper functioning of this estuary seems to be, Axel Romana, initiator of the Project-Seine Aval, the only guarantee to limit the decisions with disastrous consequences.