Guyana, a coast under influence
- Production
- 2005, France
- French
- 00:26:00
- Genre
- documentary
- environment
- Patrice Desenne, Philippe Muller
- bleu Krystal media, avec la participation de France 5
- bleu Krystal media
Near the mouth of the Amazon River, Guyana receives a phenomenal amount of sediment that the currents of the Atlantic ocean back on his side. These movements shape and reshape constantly mudflats where mangrove is established, giving her particular mangrove Guyanese instability.
Refuge for fish and crustaceans, the mangrove is characterized by its inaccessibility. Beeing an obstacle to the development of ecotourism as well as the supplies necessary for the European "spaceport", the Guyana coast is more exposed to the arrangements of men and the global consequences of their activity such as climate change.