Up in smoke
- Production
- 2011, United Kingdom
- Original language
- Spanish
- Running time
- 01:10:14
- Genre
- documentary
- Topic
- environment, society
- Directed by
- Adam Wakeling
- Produced by
- Notion Pictures Ltd
Film screened in French at the festival
This is a film about a technique that could save more carbon emissions annually than all global aviation combined. It is a film about one of the biggest contributors to tropical deforestation and global warming: slash and burn agriculture. The film follows British scientist Mike Hands, who has laboured for 25 years to perfect a sustainable farming technique to replace slash and burn farming in equatorial rainforests. And he's found it!
This is a film about life and death struggles. About the struggle of Mike Hands to get people to understand his revolutionary technique. It's about the life and death struggle of the impoverished farmers who can ill afford to take the risk of adopting a new farming method. It's a film about our driving need to change what's happening to the remaining rainforests of the planet, and about the forces that may prevent that change from happening.
Mike Hands has the solution, but is the world ready to listen?
Selected at Pariscience 2011 - Buffon Prize
See the showing : Friday 07th October 2011 from 20h00 to 21h45