- Production
- 2011, Réunion
- French
- 00:26:00
- Genre
- documentary
- sea biology, wildlife, discovery
- Abyss - LaFocale - PlaneteBleue
It all started with an unlikely encounter on the high seas. Two friends that nothing predestined to the study of cetaceans are in a conveying sailboat, and discover another universe, that has nothing to envy as that of a science fiction novel. Faced with ten giants of the seas surrounding their boat, they get into the water, forgetting their fears as hypnotized. These are sperm whales, the largest predators that ever lived on earth, and yet the meeting will last two hours and be friendly. No words can describe the magic of this encounter, the change that is then wrought in them, the strange sensation of intelligence that emanated from these animals. The story has just begun!

Pariscience 2012
: Monday 08th October 2012 from 14h00 to 15h30