The Diaper Dilemma
- Production
- 2011, France
- French
- 00:52:00
- Genre
- documentary
- environment
- Jacqueline Farmer
- Jacqueline Farmer et Sylvie Randonneix
- Nord-Ouest Documentaires - ARTE G.E.I.E - CNRS Images
Every child gets through some 6000 diapers before he’s toilet trained. Every diaper takes hundreds of years to decompose in landfill. Worn for just a few hours, then chucked away to rot forever in the garbage, diapers are a symbol of our modern aspirations and our consumerist society. But they have become a serious environmental problem. They represent the single biggest component of household waste. They are the very first thing we put on our babies, yet pollute a world we want to preserve for them. What can be done ?

Pariscience 2012
: Sunday 07th October 2012 from 13h30 to 15h00