Spring under Surveillance
- Production
- 2012, France
- French
- 00:50:18
- Genre
- documentary
- environment
- François-Xavier Vives
- François-Xavier Vives, Antoine Bamas, Jean de Garrigues
- Camera Lucida Productions, Arte France, CNRS Images
In this very beginning of the XXIst century we are exploring the remotest parts of the universe, yet do we really know our most familiar environment? What are seasons for instance? Nothing seems more familiar than the return of spring or the arrival of winter. But what precisely controls living organisms’ adaptation to the passage of seasons? And how will Nature adapt to the change in seasons if climate change tends to accelerate, as the vast majority of scientists think? Researchers from various disciplines have been brought together to work on these issues and are currently making disconcerting discoveries. Nothing seems more familiar than the return of spring but actually there is nothing more mysterious than this when you have a close look at it. From the most advanced laboratories to civic science programmes that include voluntary workers and children in these research studies, Spring under surveillance shall offer a surprising discovery of this revival of the study of seasons through the most up-to-date science.

Pariscience 2012
: Friday 05th October 2012 from 10h00 to 11h30