The Emperor's Lost Harbour
- Production
- 2011, France
- Turkish
- 00:52:00
- Genre
- documentary
- archeology
- Hannes Schuler
- Sally Blake, Hannes Schuler
- ARTE France - PTV - Films à Trois - CBC
In the heart of modern Istanbul, while digging a tunnel through the city’s historic quarter, engineers make a remarkable discovery - the remains of 37 shipwrecks dating from between the 5th and 10th centuries, all almost incredibly intact. They had stumbled across Constantinople’s ancient harbour, built by the Emperor Theodosius 1st in 390AD and lost from view for centuries. The film follows archaeologists in the midst of their rescue excavation and, using the unique CGI of Turkish 3D artist Tayfun Oner, reconstructs the lost city and the ancient harbour for the first time.

Pariscience 2012
: Thursday 04th October 2012 from 18h30 to 20h00