When a man asks to die
- Production
- 2011, France
- French
- 00:52:00
- Genre
- documentary
- ethics, medicine, society
- Anne Georget
- Anne Georget
- Quark Productions
Victim of a locked-in syndrom, Michel S. has been living for 3 years in an institution. He is totally paralysed, he needs machines to eat and breathe. During the last months, he made a decision and asked to die, as the law allows him to… But the doctors refuse. The film follows the medical teams, the family, Michel and all those concerned, affected by this decision, until the concrete actions that could result. Without resorting to pity, the film gives a human dimension to the ethic questions on euthanasia.

Pariscience 2012
: Friday 05th October 2012 from 20h30 to 22h00