- Production
- 2008, France
- French
- 00:49:00
- Genre
- documentary
- medicine, research
- Gérald Caillat
- Gérald Caillat
- Kaleo films, Stella productions, ARTE France
- Kaléo films
Why do we die?
Immortality was not planned by Nature. It is neither useful to reproduction nor to the perennity of species, but it may not be impossible. With the new fields of research on the living — genomics, nanomedicine, neuroscience — and the exponential technological progress, the vertiginous question of an immortal man is at stake.
In the four corners of the planet, at the heart of great universities and private foundations, gathered in congress, leaning above their microscopes or debating with their colleagues, scientists reveal to us their most daring hypotheses on the possibility to stop ageing one day.

Pariscience 2008
: Saturday 11th October 2008 from 15h00 to 16h30