The man who cracked the nazi code
- Production
- 2014, France
- French
- 00:58:00
- Genre
- documentary
- history of science
- Denis Van Waerebeke
- Denis Van Waerebeke et Mathilde Damoisel
- © Les films d’ici - Arte G.E.I.E - Off World - RTBF
- Les Films d'ici 2
Alan Turing, a brilliant mathematician and forgotten hero of the Second World War, played a huge part un the Allied victory by breaking the German's codes... before persecution related to his homosexuality drove him to suicide.
It's fairly uncommun for a scientist to have such an influence on the course of history -and the pay such a heavy price for his success! His life, which brings together the history of warfare and the history of ideas in a pretty unique way, also offers an opportunity to discover a little-known aspect of Wolrd War II.

Pariscience 2014
: Monday 06th October 2014 from 15h45 to 17h15