The man who cracked the nazi code


2014, France
Original language
Running time
history of science
Directed by
Denis Van Waerebeke
Written by
Denis Van Waerebeke et Mathilde Damoisel
Produced by
© Les films d’ici - Arte G.E.I.E - Off World - RTBF
Member page
Les Films d'ici 2

Alan Turing, a brilliant mathematician and forgotten hero of the Second World War, played a huge part un the Allied victory by breaking the German's codes... before persecution related to his homosexuality drove him to suicide.

It's fairly uncommun for a scientist to have such an influence on the course of history -and the pay such a heavy price for his success! His life, which brings together the history of warfare and the history of ideas in a pretty unique way, also offers an opportunity to discover a little-known aspect of Wolrd War II.


Selected at Pariscience 2014
See the showing : Monday 06th October 2014 from 15h45 to 17h15