Abyss, Alliances Depths
- Production
- 2014, France
- French
- 00:52:00
- Genre
- documentary
- sea biology
- Jean-Yves Collet
- Jean-Yves Collet
- © Bienvenue Productions - CNRS Images - Ifremer
Also in Student Competition
In the summer of 2013, the biggest French oceanographic ship, the ‘Pourquoi pas’ [‘Why not’] undertook an extremely important mission, which allowed the international team of 30 scientists on board to test their latest hypotheses: that bacteria play a vital role in the survival of underwater species in the deep ocean.
This co-operation between the species and the bacteria casts doubt on ideas about the origins of life held until now.

Pariscience 2014
: Monday 06th October 2014 from 18h00 to 19h45