Marie Curie, a woman on the front
- Production
- 2014, France
- French
- 01:24:07
- Genre
- docudrama
- medicine
- Alain Brunard
- Marie-Noëlle Himbert, Yann Le Gal et Alain Brunard
Also in Student Competition
When World War 1 broke out, Marie Curie was an eminent scientist, twice awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics & Chemistry. She still mourned her husband Pierre Curie, tragically killed in an accident several years before. She continued her Radium research and to teach at the Sorbonne.
The urgency of wartime and her instant and insightful analysis of the situation drove her out of her laboratory and into the battlefield.
She was convinced of the utility for the new X-ray techniques at the front. She criss-crossed the front line accompanied by her 17-year old daughter, Irene, and persuaded philanthropists, surgeons and doctors of the importance of using X-rays in saving lives.
Her experiences along with her colleague from the Radium Institute, Doctor Claudius Regaud, contributed in inventing the modern hospital.

Pariscience 2014
: Saturday 04th October 2014 from 18h15 to 20h30