On the yeti trail
- Production
- 2013, France
- French
- 00:52:28
- Genre
- documentary
- anthropology, biology, zoology
- Christophe Kilian
- Christophe Kilian et Fabrice Papillon
- © Scientifilms - ARTE France
- Scientifilms
For the first time in more than a century, legends and sometimes crazy testimonies are the subject of real scientific studies. Several teams around the world, in Denmark, in England, in the United-states and in Russia, are engaged in a fierce competition to be the first to publish revolutionary results : the proof that an hominid, with very ancient roots, coexists with us.
The discovery, in the recent years, of unknown hominids (such as "Flores man" or Denisovan), gave a new start to the Yeti hunt.
Big Foot, Sasquatch, Yeshi, Orang Pendek... Whatever name it is given, he appears today as a probability that a brand new American publication (february 2013) don't hesitate to claim is true.

Pariscience 2014
: Friday 03rd October 2014 from 14h00 to 15h30