bande annonce

Mapping the Future


2014, Germany
Original language
Running time
natural sciences
Directed by
Jakob Kneser & Pina Dietsche
Written by
Jakob Kneser & Pina Dietsche
Produced by
a&o Buero Filmproduktion

Also in Student Competition

This film will be screened in original version with french subtitles.

Predicting the future - is this possible? Yes, say computer experts. Already, Google can the culmination of a flu epidemic predict up to nine weeks in advance, only by the analysis of user queries in combination with weather data. Amazon is already designing the products ready for delivery, we have not even ordered. And thanks Predictive Policing, predictive policing, the police patrol driving there, where it awaits the next crime.

This documentary shows how computer experts can predict the future of gigantic amounts of data. Predictive analytics is the magic word, predicting the future through smart data analysis. But the film also looks into the question of how our lives will change our society, if the future has become predictable and calculable. How is life in a world be predicted in the algorithms of how well a child will be in school? How it suitable for a particular job is? Or how vulnerable it is to become delinquent? 


Selected at Pariscience 2015 - Grand Prix AST - Ville de Paris
See the showing : Sunday 04th October 2015 from 16h15 to 17h45



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