Gone with the time


2015, France
Original language
Running time
Directed by
mathieu rolin
Written by
mathieu rolin
Produced by
© Le vaisseau/CG67 - universciences - PAIR- amopix 2015
Member page

Gone wit the time is a 3D stereoscopic animation movie. It humorously tells the story of two archeologists sent out to a site to carry out a thorough analysis. They are guided by Agnes and Gilles who are in charge of the site and by the narrator whose approach is mischievous. They, then, discover the remains of a 2500 year-old Gallic village. The village is revealing its past : houses, workshops, ans various animals’ enclosures. An inquisitive hen is however there to add a bit of spice to their investigation. She definitely does not bear being annoyed in her peaceful country-life. At first, she is intrigued by these people and the strange machines they use. Unexpectedly she falls deeply in love with Gilles whose life will thus be under considerable strain. Humor, sciences, teaching skills ans romance are the ingredients of « Gone with the time », a scientific movie destined to a young and not so young audience that will understand box remarkable an archeological work is.