Strange Particles
- Production
- 2014, Russia
- Russian
- 00:51:00
- Genre
- documentary
- physics
- Denis Klebleev
- Denis Klebleev
This film will be screened in subtitled original version
The young physicist Konstantin investigates quantum effects and teaches at a university. During the summer vacation he goes to a university's sea campus. Every day he teaches for a group of students, and every night he keeps order in the dormitory, which means preventing students to have fun. Students prefer the summer, the girls and their own youth instead of physics. Konstantin feels himself like in opposition to all the inhabitants of the summer camp. Perceiving the surrounding reality through the lens of physics, Konstantin contrasts the classical and the quantum worlds. Konstantin tries to bring something to the people from the «classical world» to establish contact with them. But they do not understand him.

Pariscience 2015
: Sunday 04th October 2015 from 18h30 to 20h00