Secrets Held in the Ice (The)
- Production
- 2014, France
- French
- 00:14:07
- Genre
- animation
- , eminent scientists, natural sciences, discovery, research, history of science, environment
- Loïc Fontimpe
- Loïc Fontimpe, Luc Jacquet
- Wild-Touch Production
The session will be led by Laurent Desse, educational head for Wild Touch.
Convinced that the Antarctic ices contain important information for the understanding of our planet’s climatic history, he will continue his researches without respite for three decades. After thirty years of relentless researches, the ice cores will reveal him an unexpected message...In 1957, on the occasion of the International Geophysical Year, young student Claude Lorius joins the pioneers of polar science in Antarctica. He moves to Charcot, a small scientific base lost in the heart of the white continent, for one year. This extreme life experience teaches him the principles of survival and solidarity, and reveals to him his vocation: Claude will be a glaciologist.

Pariscience 2015
: Thursday 01st October 2015 from 10h00 to 11h00