Growing up in the savannah
- Production
- 2015, France
- French
- 00:50:06
- Genre
- documentary
- wildlife
- Jean-Marc Dauphin
- Ampersand MMXV, avec la participation de France Télévisions / Diff : France 5
Growing up in the Savannah is a tale full of humor and emotions on the school of life in the African wildlife.
For the emblematic African wildlife, the long road to adulthood is paved with multiple obstacles. But the dangers vary considerably from one species to another as well as the solutions they have to find to bring the most offsprings to maturity. Blessed with more or less thoughtful parents and among more or less united groups, each youngster makes his own apprenticeship until it's time to lead its own life.

Pariscience 2015
: Thursday 01st October 2015 from 14h00 to 15h30