Angkor, the new megalopolis


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Written by
Olivier HORN
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Gédéon programmes

Angkor, Cambodia. An aerial laser technology which was used for the first time in archaeology allowed to reveal a medieval city on the hills of Phnom Kulen, a forested plateau overlooking the bay. French passionate archaeologist Jean-Baptiste Chevance is the author of this fabulous discovery. He had been digging in the region for 10 years in the hope of finding a city prior to the foundation of Angkor. Did he actually find Mahendraparvatat, the name which is mentiononed on the inscriptions, one of the capital cities of the founder of khmer empire? Surrounded with French and Cambodian archaeologist and assisted by villagers from Phnom Kulen, Jean-Baptiste Chevance embarks on a major archaeological investigation. He finds sites that had been shrouded in the forets. Thanks to the Lidar, he discovers whole stretches of a huge city. Gradually, the elements of the puzzle are put together. The film follows him in his quest, taking us back to the origins of a legendary of history up to