In the mind of plants
- Production
- 2008, France
- French
- 00:52:00
- Genre
- documentary
- biology
- Jacques Mitsch
- Jacques Mitsch
- Gédéon Programmes, K Production, ARTE
- Gédéon programmes
Over the recent years, a small but growing group of researchers from Austria, Germany, Italy, UK, Japan, South Africa and the USA, has developed a new scientific field of research: the neurobiology of plants. Their discoveries question our perception of the limits between the animal and the vegetable reign: plants are capable to develop the cognitive process claimed by humans and animals. Plants are able to sense their environment and to remember information provided by their perceptions. They are consequently able to react. Some are even able to communicate and to jointly defend themselves against predators. Some, like the Acacia trees in South Africa, are consequently even able to react and defend themselves againts predators by communicating with each other and developing a common defense. If plants can move, and feel... Could they possibly think ? In a creative and captivating scientific investigation style, through spectacular specialist photography and CGI, and re-creating scientific experiments, this documentary is bound to change your own perception of plants.

Pariscience 2009
: Sunday 11th October 2009 from 13h30 to 15h00