Enchanted Forest (The)
- Production
- 2008, France
- French
- 00:52:00
- Genre
- documentary
- environment
- Bernard Guenini
- Bernard Guenini, Mathias Schmitt
- Gédéon Programmes
- Gédéon programmes
In Auvergne in the heart of France lies a long forgotten forest, la forêt de la Comté, legacy of Reine Margot who dedicated the nearby castle to one of her lovers. This forest is one of the first forests in Europe to be part of the international scientific programme IBISCA dedicated to the study of biodiversity in temperate climate zone.
For two years, the best international scientists have been investigating in search of millions of insects, flower plants and animals still present on this part of the planet. From ground level to the top of the trees using wild inflatable structures to fly from one tree to another, the naturalists gradually reveal the incredibly rich flora and fauna of this magic landscape...

Pariscience 2009
: Thursday 08th October 2009 from 10h15 to 11h45