- Production
- 2005, France
- French
- 00:52:00
- Genre
- documentary
- sea biology
- Jérôme Scemla, Dominique Barneaud
- Jérôme Scemla, Dominique Barneaud
- Agat Films & Cie / Ex Nihilo
The seas make up three quarters of the globe and 80% of these surfaces are submerged at great depths. What happens there, there, below, in the darkness?
Daring few have tried to answer these questions, without ever renouncing the face of danger: for those rare "Aquanauts" is a powerful magnet on the seabed, which irresistibly attracts and motivates them to invent processes and fabulous gear to go on an adventure.

Pariscience 2005
: Friday 14th October 2005 from 20h00 to 22h00