06th - 11th October 2016

Pariscience's tribute to the astrophysicist André Brahic


Pariscience Festival pays a tribute to the astrophycisist André Brahic who passed away on Sunday, May the 15th at the age of 73.

He was a professor at Paris Diderot University and also a member of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) in Saclay.  

He was one of the French planetology pionners and a worldwild solar system expert. He discovered Neptune's rings in 1984, chaired in many scientific comitees and participated in several international missions.

He was also known for his enthusiasm and his actions in favor of scientific culture. He was the Grand Jury's President during the 8th edition of the festival in 2012. You can find the interview in french he gave in 2014 for the 10th edition's catalog here