
4, quai des Célestins
75004 Paris
+33 (0)1 48 04 30 00
+33 (0)1 48 04 70 38

Cinétévé is an independent production company, which has been active on the market for over 25 years. It belongs to Fabienne Serven Schreiber, who founded it in 1982 and who holds the presidency since.

Cinétévé claims a wide variety, producing both art films and documentaries but also magazines and series to a wider audience for television and cinema: it finds in it, its wealth and its capacity for renewal.

L'urgence de ralentir

We have entered the age of globalised acceleration. Speed and instant gratification have become norms for society. People are under increasing financial and economic pressure, yet we are still trying...

Hospitalisés sous contraintes

They are tens of thousands each year staying in psychiatric hospitals against their will. Because they can be a danger to themselves or others, the law has in fact foreseen that these patients could...

In the Heart of Aids' Battle

10.06.1980, Los Angeles: a first case of AIDS is described at the UCLA hospital by doctor Michaël Gottlieb. 10.06.2008, Stockholm: Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier receive the Nobel...

A World without Madmen?

Today, madness overflows into the street and in prison. Mental hospitals, facing a crisis of resources and values, are struggling to care for patients throughout the course. Meanwhile, a new mental...

A brief history of the future

Jacques Attali proposes a scenario in five stages: first, the American empire extends its domination for another 20 years, thanks to and based on surveillance technologies. It then retreats in favour...

Mémoires d'un bébé (Les)

The twentieth century was the century of the baby: doctors, demographers, psychoanalysts, teachers and publicists all cooed over his crib. Inseparable from the customs and movements of his time, the...

Our Secret Memories

The psycho-genealogy invites us to work on the transmission of traumatism, from generation to another generation, exploring each branch of his family tree. Many people can find in it answers to...

Babies of love and science

This movie tells the exciting adventure, full of dreams, hopes and dismays that were three decades pioneers of the Medically assistance for procreation, one of the biggest discoveries of our...

Françoise Héritier, Thinking Different

Chairing the department of comparative studies in african societies at the Collège de France, Françoise Héritier has devoted the essential of her researches as an ethnologist-anthropologist in...

Healing otherwise

Healing otherwise, that's what a new science proposes today. Facing the impotence of medical orthodoxy to relieve patients from specific pains, these alternative therapies growing from the evolution...

Edgar Morin, a global thinker

"I'am a researcher and when I say I don't want to be called a sociologist it's because I can't see clearly where are the borders between sociology, psychology, economy, history..." Those first...