06th - 11th October 2016

Sperm Whale, dealing with the unexpected

Friday 14th October 2005 from 18h00 to 19h30
Salle 2 / Grand Amphithéâtre
Session for general audience

Sperm Whale, dealing with the unexpected

Directed by
Bertrand Loyer
Produced by
Saint Thomas

Documentary, France, 2005, 52 min

From the stormy surface to the eternal darkness of the abyss, several generations of these deep-sea divers encounter men and their “toys”: harpoons of yesterday, and fishing lines of today. Once victim of whale hunting, now accused of stealing fish, a sperm whale shares its private life with us. And what an immersion! We discover its mysterious sonar, its competitors like orcas, and also the strange world of its neighbours—the deep-sea monsters. Amongst them, a revelation: the biggest squid ever filmed in its natural environment, almost 15 feet long. Come and discover the depths of the Crozet abyss…


Decrypting images of science: Titan

Directed by
Hervé Colombani
Produced by
C.S.I., CNRS Images

Documentary, France, 2005, 1 min

Boosted by new computing and visualization, scientific images, acquired from the volume and movement, the atomic scale to cosmic dimensions.