Special session - Women and Science
Thursday 09th October 2008 from 19h00 to 21h00
Salle 2 / Grand Amphithéâtre
What do european female researchers have to say about it?
The question of women in the field of research is not generally taken into account within the broader considerations of how research is organized and major political orientations. Being a woman implies particularities and has consequences, so it’s important to establish the fact that a specific question linked to women in science does indeed exist. The question arises less in terms of discrimination than in understanding the facts. Why do women have fewer publications? Are they more prudent?
A panel of pan-European scientists working in various fields will join a female filmmaker and producer in a public debate on the role of women in the field of European research. Their discussion will be illustrated by film excerpts.
Hosted by Suzanne de Cheveigné, physicist and sociologist with the Shadyc CNRS-EHESS communication and policy lab. She is also an expert with the European Commission's Research Directorate-General (Science and Society, NEST).
Under the patronage of the french Ministry for national Education and the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
Medicine Nobel Prize
- Directed by
- Jean-François Dars, Anne Papillault
- Written by
- Jean-Francois Dars, Anne Papillault
- Produced by
- CNRS Images
Animation, France, 2001, 10 min
Portrait of Christian Nuesslein-Volhard
Debate with :
- Suzanne de Cheveigné, researcher in the CNRS, Shadyc - Sociology, History, Cultural Dynamics Anthropology
- Claudine Hermann, professor emeritus of physics in the Ecole Polytechnique, President emeritus of the Association Femmes & Sciences, Member of the board of directors of the European Platform of Women Scientists (EPWS)
- Capitolina Diaz, permanent representant of Spain in the European Commission, Science & Education Councellor
- Ene Ergma, trained Astronomist, President of the Estonian Parliament
- Delphine Morel, producer