06th - 11th October 2016
bande annonce

Public enemy n°1 : Carbon

Friday 09th October 2009 from 16h15 to 17h45
Salle 2 / Grand Amphithéâtre

Directed by
Nicolas Koutsikas
Written by
Nicolas Koutsikas & Stéphan Poulle
Produced by
Georama TV, ZD3D animations, Bluewing TV, ERT, avec le support de l'ADEME, Météo France, Fondation Prince Albert de Monaco, Eurovision Science & European Commission, D6 Research

Documentary, France, Greece, 2009, 52 min

Global warming has now become a frightening reality. The scientific community is rallying to try and avoid its most dramatic consequences.

CO2 is Public Enemy N°1, should global warming continue at the prevailing rate, carbon dioxide could make our planet more and more inhospitable… Will mankind be able to limit its emissions of greenhouse effect gases, and at what cost? Can the international community avoid the worst? And what if global warming represented an opportunity for the future of our planet?

To answer these questions, scientists from such institutions as Meteo France, Ademe, the French Environmental Agency, CNRS and NASA have taken part in the preparation of this documentary film which, for the first time, brings together the specialists working for the future of our planet: Dr Pachauri, Peace Nobel Prize Todd Stern, the American negotiator on climate, Potochnik and Dimas, the European commissioners, Greenpeace, etc.


Debate with :

  • Emmanuel Bocrie, ingeneer, wheather and climate forecaster Météo France
  • Patrick Faisques, manager for institutional research relations at Veolia Environnement

Know more

Film information: Public Enemy n°1 - Carbon