06th - 11th October 2016
bande annonce

Stone age artists : The Magdalenian masters

Saturday 10th October 2009 from 13h00 to 14h30
Salle 1 / Auditorium

Directed by
Philippe Plailly
Written by
Philippe Plailly, Pierre-François Gaudry
Produced by
Mona Lisa Production, ARTE France, Eurelios

Documentary, France, 2009, 52 min

The inception of art in prehistoric times is a much debated issue. Some believe it coincides with a revolution of the mind, which is thought to have started about 40,000 years ago, others think it is the result of a gradual evolution that began with the very first human beings, some two millions years ago. Our forefathers gradually devoted more and more time to art, decorating their objects and their places of residence.

As for the Magdalenians – ancestors that settled in large areas of Europe between 18,000 and 10,000 years B.C. – art was amazingly developed. The sculpted low relief of the Roc-aux-Sorciers site, a unique masterpiece (in south-western France), is proof that a golden age of prehistory did actually exist.

For the first time ever, this film reveals this "Lascaux cave of sculpture", a showcase that suggests that the Stone Age may well have had its share of "Michelangelos".


Debate with :

  • Geneviève Pinçon, prehistorian - science garantor of the "Roc-aux-Sorcier" site - Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Direction de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, Sous-Direction de l'Archeologie, de l'Ethnologie, de l'Inventaire et du Système d'Information
  • Emmanuel Flodrops, editor of the film

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Voir le film en VOD