06th - 11th October 2016

Special session - Is science a laughing matter?

Saturday 10th October 2009 from 17h00 to 18h30
Salle 1 / Auditorium

Does the marriage of science and humour go against nature? Let’s say rather it’s a marriage of reason. According to John Cleese of Monty Python fame, "He who laughs most, learns best."
Troubling? And yet it’s true. In scientific documentaries where the content is generally dense and often completely new for the viewer, it’s essential for writers and filmmakers not to settle for simple popularization. They need to coax viewers into their subjects. Humour is a way of driving a story. So exhilerating. So sacrilegious. Humour, or how to put science at our fingertips.

Film information: What is a black hole?