06th - 11th October 2016
bande annonce

The people of the ring

Thursday 04th October 2012 from 16h00 to 17h30
Salle 3 / IPGP

Directed by
Fred Hilgemann
Written by
Fred Hilgemann
Produced by
EKLA Production - TV Rennes 35 - Rennes Cité Média

Documentary, France, 2011, 55 min

Competition Grand Jury

7,000 years ago in Brittany, a man was buried with a mysterious ring of jade. Where did this object made of such a rare stone come from ? What did it mean to the Neolithic Men ? The archeologist Yvan Pailler investigates the origins and symbols of the jade ring. From Brittany to Mali, through the Alps and New-Guinea, he discovers people who still make and use stone rings.


Debate with :

  • Yvan Pailler, archeologist
  • Jean-Marc Cazenave, Producer

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