06th - 11th October 2016

Attacks of Sharks in La Reunion: the investigation

Sunday 05th October 2014 from 19h00 to 20h45
Salle 1 / Auditorium

Directed by
Rémy Tezier
Written by
Rémy Tezier
Produced by
© Tec Tec Production - ARTE France - CANAL+ Réunion - Réunion 1ère

Documentary, France, 2014, 96 min

Images CHARC program in coproduction with audiovisual service IRD Institute of Research for Development and with the support of the Region, Conseil Régional d’Île-de-France

Ten attacks and five deaths. For three years, the Meeting Island in Indian Ocean is in forehead (front) of has grave problem has shark. In length - term survey (investigation) US takes in the steps of the survivors, the fishermen, the surfers and the scientists, and brings the first answers to the year unprecedented black put into series.

Since February, on 2011, five celebrity were killed in the year attack of shark one the Meeting Island. Thesis attacks quickly make the tour of the planet and the consequences are not has length time coMing: beaches (tidy up) empty, the seaside economy is affected, little by little the psychosis settles down one the island. While the authorities dither and open the umbrella, the spirits warm-up in search of scapegoats. In journalist dashes into has length - term investigation.

Through its look, the investigation leads us in the painful steps of the survivors and the witnesses of attacks.


Debate with :

  • Michel Hignette, Director of the Tropical Aquarium in Paris