06th - 11th October 2016
bande annonce

Mistigri, the Cat and the Urban Wildlife

Monday 05th October 2015 from 10h00 to 11h30
Salle 2 / Grand Amphithéâtre

Directed by
Patrick Glotin
Written by
Patrick Glotin
Produced by
France 3 Aquitaine - Saison Cinq / Diff : France 3, Planète +

Documentary, France, 2014, 52 min

Mistigri is an ordinary cat with as home port the apartment of a professor naturalist in the end of a career. In the course of seasons, he goes through the city, in search of various species of urban and wild animals. Rats, mouse, birds of the gardens and predatory launched to their cases, bands of estival trip hammers, scorpions flavicaudes with the residual population, bats, as many animals which live at the sides of the men, creators of this biotope to specific fauna: the city. 

Beyond knowledges of biology and behaviors of the wild animals in urban environment, this film is an ode at the city, a romantic invitation to look it in its least recesses. 

Misitgri, the and the urban wildlife proposes a new writing, between wildlife documentary and fiction. 


Debate with :

  • Patrick Glotin, Director
  • Roman Pavisse

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