06th - 11th October 2016
bande annonce

The Secret Life of Materials

Friday 02nd October 2015 from 18h45 to 20h15
Salle 3 / IPGP

Directed by
Panos Raptis
Produced by
APT Films - Met Film Productions

Documentary, United Kingdom, 2015, 59 min

Unseen. Competition Science Television

This film will be screened in original version with french subtitles.

From the earliest tool hewn from a single piece of stone, more than 2.5 million years ago, to advanced robotics connected to the human nervous system, the history of human civilization is a history of materials. Today more than ever we need to use materials intelligently to meet the challenges of tomorrow. The film takes us on a journey where we meet the pioneers of material science and reveal their extraordinary discoveries that are transforming the world around us. 


Debate with :

  • Panos Raptis, Director
  • Jean-Pierre Hermier, Professor at the UVSQ, Panel Condensed Matter (GEMaC)
  • Camille Lehmann, Violin player, will do a demonstration on a 3D printed violin