06th - 11th October 2016
bande annonce

Space Weather, an Urgent New Science

Sunday 04th October 2015 from 20h30 to 22h00
Salle 3 / IPGP

This documentary will be preceded by the short film How Do We Know How Old The Sun Is directed by Amaël Isnard and produced by Beakus.

Space Weather, an urgent new science

Directed by
Jean-Louis Saporito
Produced by
TGA Productions - THÉLOS - CNRS Images, avec la participation de France Télévisions / Diff : France 5

Documentary, France, 2014, 51 min

Space Weather is everyone's concern ! A big solar storm can cause considerable damages to our hyper-connected societies. So, what would be the consequences today if we were to suffer a solar storm like the one that plunged the whole of the Province of Quebec and part of the State of New York into darkness in 1989? This was 25 years ago, in the prehistory' of communication technology when cell phones, text messages, internet and the GPS didn't exist. Solar storms are no worse today but their consequences are worse. The more we depend on sophisticated technology, the more we become vulnerable to these natural phenomena. The stakes are so high that industrialists, scientists and political decision makers are now working on space meteorology to guard us from it from day to day.


Debate with :

  • Jean-Louis Saporito, Director
  • Allan Sacha Brun, Head of the Laboratory Dynamics of Stars and their Environment - Senior Astrophysicist at the CEA of Saclay