06th - 11th October 2016

Jean Painlevé, fantaisie pour biologie marine

Thursday 13th October 2005 from 20h00 to 21h00
Salle 1 / Auditorium

Jean Painlevé, fantasy for marine biology

Directed by
François Lévy-Kuentz
Produced by

Documentary, France, 2005, 52 min

Born with the century, Jean Painlevé is the founder of a real scientific cinema. Between "small aquatic dramas" filmed by the director and those big and small, life of the creator, the film returns to John Painleve its unique place in film history.


A Wild Roomer

Directed by
Charley Bowers
Produced by
Agat Films & Cie / Ex Nihilo

Fiction, France, 1926, 4 min

Fiction in black and white. The robot of a great inventor gives life to a small cloth doll. Masterpiece of poetry and humor of silent film.